We don't do it alone.
Bangarra is constantly strengthened by the generous capacity of people who believe enough in what we do to offer financial support.
Our incredible patrons help Bangarra to make a real difference with our work in communities across Australia and overseas. For this, we thank you.
There are a number of levels of support that our donors can belong to. In consultation with Wiradjuri Elders, we have taken inspiration from the word ‘Bangarra’ - a Wiradjuri word meaning ‘to make fire’ - to describe these levels, as part of our ongoing commitment to the survival of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages.
To discuss how you can support Bangarra, please contact us at:
[email protected]
(02) 9251 5333
Gratefully acknowledging those who have supported Bangarra through a gift in their Will.
Gratefully acknowledging those who have made the visionary gesture of including Bangarra in their will.
Guya - Fish (pronounced: Goo-ya) - $50,000 and over
Bilawi - Sheoak (pronounced: Be-lawi) - $20,000 - $49,999
Wiiny - Fire (pronounced: Ween) - $10,000 - $19,999
Bargan - Boomerang (pronounced: Bark-arn) - $5,000 - $9,999
Birrimal - Bush (pronounced: Bi-Rr-Mal) - $1000 - $4,999
Garrabari - Corroboree (pronounced: Gar-ra-bri) - $500 - $999
We would also like to thank our donors who contribute up to $500 annually. Every gift has an impact and allows us to continue to share our stories on and off the stage.
Names current at 26 November 2024.