We don't do it alone.

Bangarra is constantly strengthened by the generous capacity of people who believe enough in what we do to offer financial support.

Our incredible patrons help Bangarra to make a real difference with our work in communities across Australia and overseas. For this, we thank you.

There are a number of levels of support that our donors can belong to. In consultation with Wiradjuri Elders, we have taken inspiration from the word ‘Bangarra’ - a Wiradjuri word meaning ‘to make fire’ - to describe these levels, as part of our ongoing commitment to the survival of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages.


Donate Now Donate Now

To discuss how you can support Bangarra, please contact us at:

[email protected]
(02) 9251 5333


Gratefully acknowledging those who have supported Bangarra through a gift in their Will.
Camilla Ah Kin
Carol Cruikshank
Marena Manzoufas
Sally Nicholson
Elizabeth Roberts
Shirley Warland
Ellen Margaret Waugh OAM


Gratefully acknowledging those who have made the visionary gesture of including Bangarra in their will.
Anonymous (15)
Anne Bruce
Monika Gaede
Margo Garnon-Williams
Teresa Handicott
Silver Harris
Linda Herd
Victoria James
Nicola Kaldor
Yvonne Langley-Walsh
Samantha May Jones
Helen McCormack
Mary McMenamin
Keith & Marguerite Mobbs
Jane Packham
Lynn Ralph
Anne Roussac-Hoyne & Neil Roussac
Stephen Scrogings
Ronja Sen
Janet Stevenson
Anna Viale
Jan Williams
Daphne Kavassilas
Daniel Story
Ruth Jelley
Tonia Marsh
Jane Maher
Kellie McGregor
Shona Lee


Guya - Fish (pronounced: Goo-ya) - $50,000 and over
Anonymous (2)
Canny Quine Foundation
Hooper Shaw Foundation
Josephine Wolanski
Nelson Estrella & Phil Rounsevell
Patterson Pearce Foundation


Bilawi - Sheoak (pronounced: Be-lawi) - $20,000 - $49,999
Alison Jacob & Douglas Bridge
Belinda Kendall-White
Dr Leigh Deves
Dr Lyndell Fraser
Jenny Durack
Krystyna Campbell Pretty
Marion Heathcote & Brian Burfitt
Sisyphus Foundation
Perpetual Foundation - The John Edgar Fawaz Charitable Endowment
The Fred P Archer Charitable Trust
Turnbull Foundation


Wiiny - Fire (pronounced: Ween) - $10,000 - $19,999
Aniek Baten
Gary Singer & Geoffrey Smith
Helen Eager & Christopher Hodges
Patagorang Foundation
Perpetual Foundation - Bridge Business College Gift Account
Russell & Jane Kift
Scovell Gardner Family
Sue Sheldrick
Sue Terry & Len Whyte
The Clark Family Foundation
Victoria Taylor


Bargan - Boomerang (pronounced: Bark-arn) - $5,000 - $9,999
Danny & Kathleen Gilbert
Edwina Kearney
Elizabeth Ramsden & Philip Ramsden
Jennifer Thurstun
Joan Ross
Joanna Collins AM
Margaret Moreton
Meredith Brooks
Penelope Seidler AM
Peter & Roz Owens
Gerlinde Scholz & Richard Leonard
Shane Carroll
Stella Ginsberg & Rod Clarke
Stephen & Sophie Allen


Birrimal - Bush (pronounced: Bi-Rr-Mal) - $1000 - $4,999
Anonymous (12)
Alasdair Murrie-West
Alison & John Cameron
Anna Bligh
Annette Adair
Boncal Family Foundation
Bruce Trethowan
Caffrey Blair Foundation
Catherine & Geoff Lawrence
Cheryl Hatch
Christine Mullen
Classa Martinuzzi
Cynthia Nadai
Danielle Kavanagh
David Robb
Debbie Belnick
Denise Hellier
Dexter Dunphy AM
Diana Ashley
Diana Bosworth
Dominic Thurn
Donna O'Sullivan
Dr Trish Richardson
EBD Architects
Elizabeth H Loftus
Elizabeth Mildwater & Stuart Schaefer
Fiona & Peter Murray
Fiona Findlay
Gary & Sally Ann Payne
Gayle Tollifson
Gemalla Endowment at APS Foundation
Heather Cole
Heather Drew
Helen Lynch AM & Helen Bauer
HLA Management
Ian Plater
J.P. Griffins
Jacqueline Tosi
James & Belinda Allen
James Martin
Jan Williams
Janet Berwick
Jann Skinner
Jenny Schwarz
Jill Keyte & Ray Carless
Jill Maddox & Ian Evans
Jill Redmyre
Jo Moss
John Keane
Joshua Gordon Carr
JS & NS Turnbull
Judi & Paul Taylor
Katarina Cvitkovic
Katrina & David Whitham
Kaye Hocking
Keith Richards
Kelvin Widdows
Alan Croker & Kerry Reid
Kristen Walker
Lekki Maze
Margot McDonald
Maria Pate
Marian Hegarty
Marian Magee & David Castillo
Mark Blumer
Matthew Johnson
Mike Thompson & Ian Kelly
Ms. Lynne M. Saunder
Narina Dahms
Nerida Bewick
Patrick Sze Tho
Paul Lam-Po-Tang
Paul Sugars
Perpetual Foundation - Cara Endowment
Peter & Lillian Armitage
Peter Wise
Prof. Fiona Stanley
Robert & Carmel Clark
Robert J. Furley
Robin Rodgers
Rosamund Palmer
S M Burnett
Sally Crawford
Sandra McCullagh & Nieces
Sara Watts
SG James
Silver Harris
Simpson Solicitors
Stephen & Joanne Norrish
Sue & Alan Cameron AO
Susan Bear
Susanne de Ferranti
Teresa Handicott
The Cowell Mirisklavos Foundation
Tony Ward & Gail Ryan
Trudie Harriman
Wendy Haynes
Yvonne Langley-Walsh


Garrabari - Corroboree (pronounced: Gar-ra-bri) - $500 - $999
Anonymous (9)
A O Redmond
Ana Eugenia Castro
Angela Jaeschke
Anne Reeves
Anneke Vandertol
Anthony Paull
Belinda Gibson & Jim Murphy
Bronwyn McColl
Catherine Hamber
Chris & Kristin Pensabene
Chris Shipway & Than O'Brien
Craig & Patrice Laslett
Dahni Houseman
Desmond & Janette Griffin
Don & Leslie Parsonage
Elizabeth Carpenter
Fi Mcqueen
Frennie Beytagh
Hunter Valley Grammar School
Isabel Dupuy
Jane & Les Johnston
Jane Barnes
Janelle Christofis
Janice Adie
Jenny Williams
Joshua Duke
Judy Watts
Julie Eisenberg
Kate Williams
Lesley Greig
Louise Ingram
Mara Moustafine & Andrew Jakubowicz
Meredith Verge
Michael Deutscher
Gerard Harnan & Kelly West
Mr. Peter Wolfe
Ms Christine Kitch
Pien Frissel
Richard & Anna Green
Rosemary & Dan Howard
Rosemary Oxer
Rosemary Walls
Sarah McIntyre
Sophie Keating
Stefan Mystkowski
Stuart Thomas
Tamara Cirkel
Toby Duffy
Vera Vargassoff
Yvette Peterson

We would also like to thank our donors who contribute up to $500 annually. Every gift has an impact and allows us to continue to share our stories on and off the stage. 

Names current at 26 November 2024.