Did you know that Bangarra’s activities reach far beyond the stage?

Bangarra is the only Major Performing Arts company with its cultural origins in this land. We honour our heritage by connecting with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities across the country, and by nurturing the next generation of Indigenous artists and cultural leaders.

As our additional programs are not covered by our core government funding, Bangarra relies on the generosity of individuals like you to deliver vital community outreach and artist development initiatives like the ones below.

Your gift will help us support these ongoing programs and initiatives - find out more below. To discuss how you can support Bangarra, please contact us on (02) 9258 5133 or email us at [email protected]




Our flagship youth outreach program connects Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander youth with their local Elders through cultural and creative dance residencies. Over several weeks, children choreograph a dance work inspired by their Country, with stories gathered from their Elders.

Regional Workshops

Throughout our annual regional tour, Bangarra dancers lead workshops with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander youth, and dance students. With these workshops we deepen our impact in communities, and share creative and cultural practice with young people in regional areas.

Return to Country

We are committed to returning our productions back to the Country that birthed them, to the communities and cultural custodians who shared them with us. This Cultural Creation Lifecycle underpins our artistry and culminates in our dancers visiting regional and remote parts of Australia, in order to maintain connections with our cultural traditions, and deepen our sense of identity.

Russell Page Graduate Program

Emerging Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander dancers undergo a life-changing year of mentoring and professional development, working alongside senior dancers, both onstage and in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities around the country. Named after the late Russell Page, this program offers graduates a unique opportunity to begin their professional career as a full-time member of Australia's leading Indigenous performing arts company.

Learning Opportunities

Our accessible eResources, Study Guides, and digital archive site Knowledge Ground are invaluable resources for students and teachers. They enrich students’ in-theatre experiences such as schools’ performances and ‘In Conversation’ sessions with Bangarra’s Dancers and Creatives. Bangarra also offers Winhanga-rra, our acclaimed professional learning workshops for teachers.

David Page Music Fellowship

In memory of the late David Page, we offer Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander musicians an opportunity to collaborate with Bangarra’s Creatives. Through this program, emerging artists develop an intimate knowledge and understanding of our unique language, in repertoire and music.